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Traboule 25-27 rue Royale - 1 rue Violi

Remarkable sites and monuments

Last updated date : 05/02/2018

Traboule composed of a beautiful yard and a monumental staircase

This traboule starts with an impressive decorated doorway leading to a beautiful yard, with, at the end, a monumental staircase of a dozen steps rising to the first floor of the building. The wrought iron is pleasant. A passage to the left of the steps leads to a stairwell. Another passage leads out at 1 "rue Roger Violo" (whose facade, restored, must be seen).

Practical information


25-27 rue Royale 1 rue Violi - 69001 Lyon 1er

Remarkable sites and monuments

Traboule 25-27 rue Royale - 1 rue Violi

25-27 rue Royale 1 rue Violi - 69001 Lyon 1er

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